Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese zodiacs

Follow the 2009 horoscopes directory links below.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

2009 Year of the Ox : Chinese Astrology

The year of Ox, the heavenly stem and earthly branch are both earth. The earthly branch consists of hidden elements water and gold. The global economy will begin to recover from the financial meltdown. 2009 is a year of opportunities with the emergence of many new global empires following the collapse of big names like Lehman Brothers. Under the new administration of Barack Obama (self element earth person), the Wall Street stock market will recover faster than expected as Barack Obama enters his peak luck cycle. We will see world major economies put aside their differences to overcome the financial crisis. The full impact of the unison can be seen in the second half of 2009.

The property market of United States will continue to recover as 2009 is the year of earth. Employment statistics will improve as United States’ job market bounce back from the financial meltdown. This will in turn lead to an improvement of the world’s stock market. However, many major corporations will also undergo restructuring or even a change in leadership. For further predictions on the luck cycle of key CEOs of key Wall Street corporations, please subscribe to our website updates.

Despite the recovery of stock market, some Asian economies will persist to slowdown. A major event will strike in a key Asia region in 2010. We will release further details concerning this event in the coming year.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

People of Bombay felt..........................

People who turn up for the
peace March at the

Gateway of India in Mumbai
were loud and clear of

what they wanted..... "A
Change & Action not bhashan"

This is what the people of
Mumbai felt about our so
called babus and netas( local terrorists )